Re: [Corpora-List] Latin corpus

From: sheiden (
Date: Mon Apr 14 2003 - 11:56:08 MET DST

  • Next message: Jan Strunk: "[Corpora-List] Newspaper Corpora"

    > I am looking for a corpus of classical Latin, in principle something like the perseus/ tufts
    project or the corpus
    > of the bibliotheca Teubneriana latina which is on CD ROM. I want to download
    > complete texts which is unfortunately not possible neither with tufts nor with
    > the BTL. Is there maybe already a tagged version around??

    You may have a look at :
    They have a database of latin texts about 1,5 million words in size.
    In each text, each word holds :
    - the word form ;
    - the lemma (homographs disambiguated) ;
    - part of speech and morpho-syntactic informations.

    For now, you can apparently only query online the following texts :
    CICERON, Pro A. Caecina or.
    CICERON, Divination in C.
    CICERON, Pro M. Fonteio or.
    CICERON, De Imperio Cn. Pomp
    CICERON, Pro P. Quinctio
    CICERON, Pro S. Roscio Amer.
    CICERON, Pro Q. Roscio Como.
    CICERON, Pro M. Tullio or.
    CICERON, In C. Verrem I
    CICERON, In c. Verrem II
    CICERON, De Amicitia
    CICERON, De Officiis
    CICERON, De Senectute

    I have once asked to have access to the database, but I never
    received any reply. Maybe you could be luckier.
    > Thanks a lot for any replies.
    > Susanne Schoof

    Sincerly yours,

        [Serge Heiden]

    Serge Heiden,,
    Analyses de corpus FRE2546 CNRS - ENS-LSH - Institut de Linguistique Française
    15, parvis René Descartes 69342 Lyon BP7000 Cedex 07, tél. +33 4 37 37 63 12, fax. +33 4 37 37 62 65

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