Re: Corpora: Chomsky and corpus linguistics

From: Michael Barlow (
Date: Mon Apr 09 2001 - 18:05:27 MET DST

  • Next message: Markus Klingel: "Re: Corpora: Increased traffic on corpora list"

    On Mon, 9 Apr 2001, Mike Maxwell wrote:

    > All of this to say, there need not be any direct (meaning 'simple',
    > 'straightforward') connection between performance and competence.

    No, there need not be. But now we are in what I think of as the reasonable
    position where you are defending the premises of a generative research
    paradigm and I am defending the premises of (one version of) a corpus
    linguistics research paradigm. Thus we have moved on from the
    theoretician/practitioner and scientist/engineer labels attached to
    generative/corpus linguists.

    Perhaps this debate has focussed too much on North American approaches and
    on 20th century structuralism. Structuralism has served linguists well
    and we have got tremendous mileage out of it, but it is a new century
    and we need a radically new approach to move forward.

    Michael Barlow, Department of Linguistics, Rice University
    Athelstan (U.S.) (UK)

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