Corpora: Text written by Shakespeare's contemporaries?

Bill Teahan (
Tue, 25 May 1999 21:35:39 +0200

I'm looking for any (and all) text written by Shakespeare's
contemporaries. Anything by Bacon, De Vere, Fletcher,
Queen Elizabeth and others would be extremely helpful.

I wish to do a quick study in using PPM (i.e. text compression)
language models on the Shakespearean authorship
question. I've already tried the models on the Federalist
papers using extremely small training texts (~100K)
taken from the known authorship papers, and the
models were able to come to the same conclusions
as Mosteller and Wallace. Now I want to try it
on the works of Shakespeare. Any help would be
very much appreciated.


Bill Teahan
Visiting researcher
Information Theory Group
Department of Information Technology
Lund University, Sweden