Corpora: Second Job: Research Scientist in Computational Linguistics

Steffan Corley (
Wed, 05 Aug 1998 09:47:36 +0100

Following our recent job announcement, there is now an additional position
available in our natural language team.

If you applied for the previous job, your application will also be
considered for this job -- please do not apply again.

Job description follows:


Research Scientist in Computational Linguistics

The natural language team are looking for an innovative, adaptable
researcher with experience in wide-coverage shallow parsing, semantic
disambiguation or speech processing. Successful applicants will be
expected to have:

+ A good first degree in a relevant subject
+ A postgraduate qualification/experience in relevant areas
+ Excellent design and programming skills

Knowledge of any of the following will be considered advantageous:

+ Statistical techniques/corpus processing techniques
+ Finite-state techniques
+ Spanish, French, German, Italian or Japanese

We value creativity, originality and a practical approach to problem
solving. Applicants should enjoy working in a lively and challenging
commercial environment.

Please send your CV with the names of 2 referees to Victoria Reid at the
address below (email preferred) quoting reference IT-CL-CPL-98-2.

Sharp Laboratories of Europe Ltd
Edmund Halley Road
Oxford Science Park
Oxford OX4 4GA

Dr Steffan Corley
Research Scientist
Sharp Laboratories of Europe                      Tel +44 1865 747711
Edmund Halley Road                                Fax +44 1865 714170
Oxford OX4 4GA                              Email