Corpora: English tagger by email

Oliver Mason (
Mon, 15 Jun 1998 12:36:39 +0100


just a quick note to mention that the parts-of-speech tagger by email
at Birmingham is now functional again. It ceased to work because of
the collapse of the machine it was running on, but has now been set
up again. To get a text tagged simply email it to the address

and it gets returned to you with tags attached. Please send only plain
ASCII files and no attachments or word processor files. The tagset used
is similar to the Brown/LOB/Penn set.

Oliver Mason

//\\ computer officer | corpus research | department of english | school of  -
//\\ humanities | university of birmingham | edgbaston | birmingham b15 2tt  -
\\// united kingdom | phone +44-(0)121-414-6206 | fax +44-(0)121-414-5668/\  -
\\// mobile 07050 104504 | |\/  -