Re: Corpora: AWK for macintosh

Dominic Dunlop (
Wed, 15 Apr 1998 15:18:35 +0000

At 13:10 +0000 08-04-1998, Marc Fryd wrote:
I am currently investigating a rather poweful GNU scripting tool called
>AWK. Does anyone know if there is a Macintosh version of AWK?

I'm not aware of a version of awk for the Mac; however, you might want to
look at MacPerl: Perl, which has been called the Swiss army chainsaw of
computer languages, has pattern-matching feaures based on those of awk.
UNIX implementations of the language even come with an awk to Perl
translator, but the Mac version (sadly) does not, presumably on the grounds
that Mac users won't have piles of awk scripts lying around waiting to be
converted. Perl is widely used for text
munging^H^H^H^H^H^H^Htransformation, and runs on a wide variety of
platforms. The Macintosh verson can be downloaded from

Dominic Dunlop