Re: Corpora: US company claims patent

Theo Vosse (vosse@RULS41.FSW.LEIDENUNIV.NL)
Wed, 15 Oct 97 13:54:10 +0000

Bill Imlah wrote:

> Not quite, I think. The patent describes a method of using a "created
> international language" as an intermediate pathway in translation.
> >From the description, it appears that it is specifically claiming the
> use of a created natural language as an interlingua in machine
> translation.

Created natural languages, and Esperanto in particular, have been used before as
an interlingua in machine translation projects. I worked once on a project
called DLT (Distributed Language Translation) for BSO in The Netherlands. There
are publications about this method.

Theo Vosse
Unit for Experimental Psychology
University of Leiden
The Netherlands