Q: Medical Prescriptions

Thu, 7 Nov 1996 21:05:25 -0300 (GRNLNDST)

I am sorry if you get this message more than once (it has been posted
to several lists).

> Hi,
> I am interested in the translation of medical prescription texts
> (I don't know if this is the right technical expresion) like the
> following:
> 1) The first day of each month in 1996 the patient should
> do treatment XX
> 2) the first two months after the operation the patient must
> follow treatment ZZ every other day.
> 3) From now on the patient must exercise for half an hour
> between 8 and 11 am three days per week.
> 4) During June 1996 the patient must take pill XX every three hours.
> 5) From now on the patient should alternate 10 days of treatment XX
> and 10 days of rest.
> I am particularly interested in texts that express temporal intervals
> and repetition. I am working in the translation of this kind of
> texts into a temporal logic language.
> I would like to know about related work in this field and also where
> could I get this kind of corpora (if it really exists) in english or
> spanish.
> Thank you very much in advance.
> Please, post answers to accuosto@fing.edu.uy
> Pablo Accuosto
> LLC (Computational Linguistics Laboratory)
> Facultad de Ingenieria
> Universidad de la Republica
> Montevideo - Uruguay