International Masters Degree

Vivi Juul-Pedersen (
Thu, 17 Oct 1996 13:27:04 +0200 (MET DST)

We are sending this in the hope that you will forward the information
to anyone that might have interest in a Masters degree in MultiMedia.
Please note that anyone with an appropriate Bachelor can apply.

Information will continuously be updated on

Yours sincerely
Vivi Juul-Pedersen






Department of Communication Technology (KOM)
Department of Computer Science (CS)
Department of Medical Informatics and Image Analysis (MIBA)
Centre for PersonKommunikation (CPK)
Institute of Electronic Systems (IES)


** course in English **

** no fees **

Intelligent MultiMedia at Aalborg University, Denmark, as an
International Masters Degree (M.Eng./Sc.) study programme, will
produce candidates with a proficiency in theories, models and systems
for the computer integration of multiple media including at least
text, speech, sounds and image/vision on multiple and mobile
platforms. This will include understanding what these modalities are,
the processing of them by computer, and the possibility of hosting
them on mobile phones, personal data assistants and robots. By
processing here we mean the computer representation of these media and
also computer understanding and generation of them in terms of their
semantics and that is what makes Intelligent MultiMedia different to
traditional MultiMedia. Traditional MultiMedia is where machines are
more involved in the presentation of text, sounds, voice and videos
and where the computer has no understanding of what it is presenting
but more a focus on how best to present it. We also have courses in
Humanities and Computer Science at Aalborg University which focus on
traditional multimedia.

With this Intelligent MultiMedia Masters the candidate will obtain a
thorough grounding in courses given in English from the Departments of
Computer Science, Medical Informatics/Image Analysis and Communication
Technology. Many of the courses are given by teachers who are also
researchers in Intelligent MultiMedia and we see a close relationship
between teaching and research. The candidate will also complete a
Master's thesis which will involve an in-depth research problem in the
area of Intelligent MultiMedia. The candidate will have close access
to our Intellimedia 2000+ research programme which will also provide
projects and topics for Masters theses.

The candidate will be educated over 1 and 1/2 years in the unique
Aalborg style which features intensive project work in groups. Here,
each semester the students work together in groups of three to four on
self-chosen projects and this has proven to give students better
opportunities after their education. We also forsee that non-Danish
students will have assimilated some Danish culture and language and
vice-versa and it is our hope that Danes and non-Danes will exchange
experiences useful for looking forward to the future. Initially, the
course will not require any payment of fees. Candidates will have
adequate training for futures in both university (Ph.D.) and industry
and it is our intention that on finishing this Master's course
students could also commence Ph.D. studies related to Intellimedia

Aalborg is situated in the North of Denmark, a member state of the
European Union (EU). The city is the fourth largest in Denmark with a
population of ca. 150,000. It is a lively city with many restaurants
and bars and has all the usual sporting and recreation facilities.

Aalborg University has a student population of over 10,000 and the
Computer Science and Engineering Departments are situated in the main
campus of the University.

The Institute of Electronic Systems (IES) has a strong tradition
within research activities which fit into the real-time processing
characteristic of Intelligent MultiMedia. A number of research teams
have taken the challenge to develop the new curriculum and research in
real-time intellimedia systems. These are of (1) Center for
PersonKommunikation (CPK) (spoken language dialogue systems), (2)
Laboratory of Medical Informatics and Image Analysis (MIBA) (automated
diagnostics/expert systems, image/vision), and (3) Computer Science
(CS) (distributed systems/hypermedia).

This Masters Degree in Intelligent MultiMedia runs for 1 and 1/2 years
over 3 semesters. Each semester has a theme associated with it and
involves both courses and project work. Semesters will also include
courses in Danish language and culture.

All courses will be given in English and the thesis can be written in
English or Danish. The Masters course is open for Danish and
non-Danish students.

Most courses involve students working on project work in groups in the
unique Aalborg style.

** = (core intellimedia topics) (below)

Semester I:
Theme: Basics in Intelligent MultiMedia
Period: 1st of February - 30th of June

The focus here is to analyse basic methods for computer display and
semantic understanding of the different media of at least text, voice,
sound and image.

* traditional multimedia
* information retrieval
* advanced programming languages (e.g. Lisp, Prolog)
* object-oriented programming (e.g. Java, Beta, C, C++)
* computer graphics
* image presentation and processing
* computer networks and communications
* statistics
* signal processing
* neural networks
* Generic Dialogue Systems
* using and applying applets (Java)
** graphical User Interfaces (GUIs)
** readings in Advanced Intelligent MultiMedia

Semester II:
Theme: Advanced methods in Intelligent MultiMedia
Period: 1st of September - 31st of January

The focus here is to look at advanced methods for computer display and
semantic understanding of the different media of at least text, voice,
sound and image.

* geographic information systems
* distributed databases
* distributed processing
* WWW and the internet
* human Computer Interaction (HCI)
* gesture and sign language
* active vision and robots
* knowledge representation
* expert systems and decision taking
* mobile phones and communication
* acoustics and hearing
* sound localisation and microphone arrays
* speech and language processing
** Intelligent MultiMedia systems

Semester III:
Theme: Masters Thesis in Intelligent MultiMedia
Period: 1st of February - 30th of June

The focus here is to work full-time on a Masters thesis which will be
related to projects in our Intellimedia 2000+ research programme. The
thesis can take either an engineering or computer science track or
even include both.

Application deadline: 01.12.96.
Information about acceptance, by: 31.12.96.

There is no fee for the masters programme and this applies to EU and
non EU citizens.

Students are required to have obtained a B.Sc. or B.Eng. degree in
Computer Science or Engineering from a recognised university and to
have achieved a reasonable standard of average (II(2)) or above grade.
All candidates are expected to be reasonably proficient in the English

If you wish to receive more information and application formular for
the International Masters Degree in Intelligent MultiMedia, please
send your name and address to:

E-Study Board
Aalborg University
Fredrik Bajers Vej 7-B2
DK-9220 Aalborg East

Telefax: + 45 98 15 37 68
Telephone: + 45 98 15 85 22 - 4883

Information continuously updated on:


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