spoken English grammar

Geoffrey Sampson (geoffs@cogs.susx.ac.uk)
Fri, 1 Mar 96 15:03 GMT

Dear fellow researcher,

If you get multiple copies of this message, I apologize.

I am contacting you as someone who may have an interest
in the SUSANNE analytic scheme and Corpus. You may know SUSANNE as an
analysed electronic corpus of English, and/or you may know it through the
book ENGLISH FOR THE COMPUTER (Oxford University Press, 1995).

I have just been offered funds to extend this work to the domain of
spoken English. As before, I plan to create analysed corpus resources
which will be made as freely available as possible to the research
community. This means that I would like to plan the work in advance
to make it as useful as I can to a broad cross-section of researchers.

There is a Web page describing the new Spoken SUSANNE project and
identifying various issues that remain fluid at this stage. If this
work interests you, I should be extremely grateful if you would care
to point your Web browser at


and e-mail me any reactions you care to make to the points discussed there.

Many thanks in advance!

Geoffrey Sampson, University of Sussex