Re: Query: Download KWIC tools

Helmut Feldweg (
Mon, 12 Jun 1995 15:19:48 +0200 (MET DST)

Maximilian Schluz wrote:
> Yen> Free Text Browser
> I have never heard of this tool. Could you please send me information
> about it.

The Free Text Browser is a Hypercard application developed by Mark
Zimmermann. It allows simple and convenient access to pre-indexed text
files. A list of words contained in the text file is presented to the
user from which he can chose items and switch between kwic and kwal

It is available via anonymous ftp from (among others):

There exists also a standard C version with the same functionality but
with a less fancy interface:

-- Helmut Feldweg

Seminar f"ur Sprachwissenschaft, Universit"at T"ubingen
Wilhelmstr. 113, D-72074 T"ubingen, Germany
Tel: +49 7071 294279
Fax: +49 7071 550520